Ah, The Beauty of Walls

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Ah, The Beauty of Walls

Look around you at the beautiful walls. Whether they are adorned with wallpaper or a fine coat of paint, that finish was skillfully applied for your enjoyment. Really, the jobs of wallpaper hangers and painters are some of the most important in the building industry, since you see the results of this work every day. We have a great appreciation for wallpaper and paint, and we are reminded of that appreciation each time we look at our walls. This is why we wanted to create a blog where you, our readers, can learn more about this industry and its many nuances.


Benefits Of Hiring A Commercial Painting Service

22 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Do you have a plan to renovate your business premises? Well, the project would be incomplete without a new paint job. Of course, you might be tempted to take on the project with the help of your employees. But would you want to forgo the benefits of hiring commercial painters? You might probably rethink your idea once you learn the benefits of a commercial painting service. Safety Commercial buildings are quite different from residential homes. Read More …

2 Things To Consider When Painting Your Porch

8 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to your home's exterior, painting your porch is a great way to add some character and enhance your curb appeal. However, before you jump in and start painting, there are a few things you'll want to consider. This article outlines what those considerations are so that you can have a beautiful porch that lasts for years to come. Your Porch's Material Before painting your porch, consider the material of the surface you'll be painting. Read More …

The Pros And Cons Of A Dark Exterior Home Palette

27 April 2022
 Categories: , Blog

More and more homeowners are discovering the benefits of using a dark color as the base of their exterior palette. Should you join them? While this trend is popular for good reasons, it's not for everyone — or for every home. Here are a few pros and cons to help you decide if it's right or wrong for you.  The Pros of Dark Exterior Paint When it comes to the norms for color schemes on houses, light colors and soft neutrals are the expectation. Read More …

Tips To Paint Your Exterior Brick

24 February 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Your exterior brick may not look as up-to-date as you would like it to, and it could be dating your home. To help update your house, you can paint the brick to give it a new look. Painting brick is a major job, especially if you have a lot of brick to paint. To get this job completed, you can hire a professional painting contractor to get this work done for you. Read More …

Sandblasting Can Help With Graffiti

19 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Graffiti on your business doesn't leave a good first impression. While there are some very talented graffiti artists who create beautiful pieces of art, most graffiti isn't like that. It can just look messy and could have inappropriate or harmful meanings behind them. You don't want to have graffiti that has some kind of bad meaning on your building, because you can't control what might happen. All of this means that you should get rid of it as soon as possible. Read More …