3 Issues To Avoid When Painting The Exterior Of Your Home

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Look around you at the beautiful walls. Whether they are adorned with wallpaper or a fine coat of paint, that finish was skillfully applied for your enjoyment. Really, the jobs of wallpaper hangers and painters are some of the most important in the building industry, since you see the results of this work every day. We have a great appreciation for wallpaper and paint, and we are reminded of that appreciation each time we look at our walls. This is why we wanted to create a blog where you, our readers, can learn more about this industry and its many nuances.


3 Issues To Avoid When Painting The Exterior Of Your Home

12 January 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Painting the exterior of your home serves two different purposes. First, the exterior paint on your home helps to improve the curb appeal of your home. Second, exterior paint also helps to waterproof and protect your home from weather damage. When it comes to painting the exterior of your home, there are a few problems you are going to want to work to avoid.

1. Intercoat Peeling

Intercoat peeling is what happens when the new paint you apply to the exterior of your home doesn't adhere as it should to the surface it was painted on. When this happens, you will have to manually scape off all the paint and repaint your home again. 

Luckily, this issue can easily be avoided with the right preparation. You need to make sure that either you or the contractor you hire cleans the exterior of your home thoroughly. Pressure washing the exterior of your home in advance of painting is one of the best ways to prepare the surface for new paint. Additionally, scraping or sanding down any peeling paint is also a good idea. 

Your painting contractor should also use a primer designed to work with the exterior surface of your home and use paint that is compatible with that primer.

2. Paint Blisters

When painting your home, you want to avoid paint blisters, which occur when the paint bubbles up and eventually cracks, leaving you with a cracked new paint job. 

Paint blisters generally form if you paint your home and the surface temperature of your home is too hot. If the paint is applied when the surface is too hot, moisture can get below the topcoat and cause blisters to form. This can result in you having to repaint the exterior of your home. 

3. Unprepared Wood

If you paint over any wood that was exposed to the elements without a coat of paint or sealant, this could cause problems. When you paint exposed wood, the new paint is likely to crack and peel again in the future. With weathered wood, you are going to need to sand the wood down and prime the wood. This will create a proper seal on the wood so that the paint will not crack and peel in a short period of time.

When it comes to painting the outside of your home, be sure to properly clean and prepare the exterior surface. Avoid painting when it is too hot outside, and make sure all wood is sealed adequately before applying paint. This will help you avoid the need to repaint in a short period.

Contact a local painting contractor to learn more.